Chronic inflammation can lead to autoimmune disease. Inflammation
occurs naturally as the body chemically responds to environmental toxins,
processed foods, viral infections, emotional stress, or nutritional deficiency.
Pain in the body is a signal that something is going wrong with the natural
healing mechanisms of the body. Here are some ideas to help you lower
inflammation and decrease pain:
- Diet: There is a high correlation between processed
foods and inflammation. Look at the packaging on the
food you eat: If the package is a banana skin or an apple
peel (i.e. a real fruit or vegetable that hasn’t been
genetically modified or sprayed with toxic chemicals) it is
more likely to contain the nutrients and enzymes your
body needs. If the package label has a bunch of chemical
names that you can’t comprehend, your body probably
won’t be able to digest it.
- A whole food diet can significantly affect the pain of autoimmune disease. It
is even possible to put autoimmune disease into remission with diet. The
Autoimmune Paleo (or AIP) Diet or the Wahls Protocol by Terry Wahls, MD
are two highly recommended plans for anyone with chronic inflammation.
To heal inflammation, you will AVOID dairy, eggs, beans, wheat, fried
foods, sugar, and nightshade veggies (eggplant, potatoes). Daily, eat:
- 3 cups organic green leafy vegetables (spinach, arugula, romaine, kale,collard or dandelion greens, etc.) for their high vitamin and nutrient value.
- 3 cups sulfur rich foods (onion, garlic, cabbage, broccoli, walnut, flax, asparagus) for their antioxidant benefits and role in glutathione production.
- 3 cups organic brightly colored fruits or veggies (sweet potatoes, carrots, blueberries, beets, dark cherries, etc) because they are packed with micronutrients your body will use as building blocks to help your body heal.
Food will be your medicine, and you will be eating 9 cups per day!
You can continue to eat free-range meats, bone broths and wild-caught
fish. Incorporate spices and seasonings such as turmeric, ginger, rosemary,
oregano, vinegars and fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchee.
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