The world of alternative medicine is an extremely open topic to traverse. Alternative Medicine has several subcategories ranging from the practice of acupuncture to using certain diets to fight diseases. Beyond that each subcategory can break off into an entire web of topics and schools of thought. The area we want to focus on today falls under the topic of massage therapy. We will be focusing on myofascial release. What it is, how it works, and what it does to benefit the body. To begin, let’s break down the word.
Myofascial Release
Myo: When used as a combination word, means muscle or related to muscle
Fascial: Fascia is a thin, tough, elastic connective tissue that wraps and helps support many of the structures within the human body.
Release: When used with the practice of massage, release will mean to relieve tension in muscles, joints, and other parts of the body to allow better blood flow and body movement.
So a Myofascial Release centers around the idea of massaging the Fascia to release tension in it, improve blood flow, and allow less restricted movement in the body. This approach was first described in the 1800s, but the name Myofascial Release didn’t come around until the 1940s. Since then it has begun to gain traction to being a more widely known practice in modern times. Today massage therapists across the country are trained in the techniques involved.
The practice of myofascial release is done with knuckles, elbows, and other instruments and is often times referred to as “deep tissue work”. The main idea behind this practice is to bring changes to the myofascial structures of the body by the stretching of the Fascia. The one performing the myofascial structure works through the layers of fascia until they reach the deeper tissues, given a fully engaging release for the client.
Myofascial release can be a variable course of action for different issues that may arise. These include
A tightness in the muscles of the body that can restrict or limit movement.
A sense of extreme pressure on any part of the body.
Pain in any part of the body, including headaches.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms? It may be beneficial to at least look into a session of myofascial release. There is no pain or loss in inquiring about getting help. Contact Dr. Beth Stephenson today and learn more about what options are available to you and set up an appointment. Relief could be just around the corner.